Tickets, Saugeen Shores Winterhawks, 2022-2023 (Saugeen Shores Winterhawks)

This Team is part of the 2022-2023 season, which is not set as the current season.

Ticket Information

Single Game Playoff Tickets - $12
General Admission - available at the door

Kids 12 & under - FREE (with adult ticket purchase)

Ticket gate opens one hour prior to posted game time.

Season ticket passes are valid for playoff admission.

Game Passes

Advance game passes are available at Gord's Pro Shop (located @ Plex) during regular business hours. Game passes do not guarantee admission to any particular game.

Please note - regular season game passes cannot be used for playoff admission.



Saugeen Shores Winterhawks home games [unless otherwise indicated] are played at The Plex, located at 600 Tomlinson Dr., Port Elgin.

Select home games played at the Southampton Coliseum, located at 26 Albert St. S (Highway 21), Southampton.
