Winterhawks COVID-19 Safety Plan, News (Saugeen Shores Winterhawks)

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Oct 14, 2021 | Winterhawks News | 909 views
Winterhawks COVID-19 Safety Plan
Please read our procedures and safety plan regarding 2021/22 home games

The Saugeen Shores Winterhawks are required to follow the following policies and procedures during 2021/22  home games.

  • Doors open 30 minutes prior to scheduled start time
  • All fans 12 years of age and older are required to show proof of full vaccination [or medical exemption] and photo ID upon entry. This process is being administered by the Town of Saugeen Shores.
  • Capacity within spectator area is 710 fans
  • All persons must wear masks or facial coverings at all times, unless seated and actively eating or drinking
  • Contact tracing will be conducted upon entry. Fans will be asked to provide their name and phone number
  • Fans are asked to stay in their seats and minimize the amount they are traveling around the arena
  • Capacity of Rotary Hall [Hawks Nest] is 362 people. Social distancing is required while inside the hall. Fans must be seated at a table to consume beverages.

